So, tonight my tandem partner (a dude who teaches me Japanese, whilst I help with his English) asked me for my 今年の漢字. From what he explained, this is a single kanji to sum up my entire year. I was completely stumped!
I've decided to list what achievements or significant events I've had this year, to make it easier.. which should also help with goals for 2014.
Actually,looking back on it.. the beginning of this year feels like it was years ago!
Jan - I said goodbye to my first ever Tandem Partner (and all those other lovely exchange students).
Feb - I got a job! Although it didn't last long, the experience was great.
March - Went to Barcelona with a few friends. I practiced my language (a tiny bit), realized my confidence had gotten worse with spoken Spanish.
April - My pet project, Gemucon, came into reality. I realized I can do crazy stuff if I put my mind to it! I did also get a boyfriend, which was something I didn't imagine possible.
May - I went on a short but very memorable trip to Hunstanton with a few friends, never thought I'd be so happy in a caravan.
June - I ended my first year of University, and actually passed. I learnt I can do this if I put my mind to it! I also auditioned for JYP Entertainment. This was ridiculously difficult for me to do, but a huge confidence boost even though I didn't get in - they listened to my whole song!
July - Although the relationship ended with aforementioned boyfriend in this month, cool stuff still happened. I saw Les Misérables with my best friend - a dream we've had for over five years.
August - I went to Ayacon, and entered my first ever Masquerade with a hand-sewn costume (no, not even a sewing machine.) The compliments and photos we got were more than I've ever had before! It was unbelievable
! I was really, really happy. September - I got accepted to write for JAK Wave, which has brought back some of my love for writing that I forgot about with all the academic rubbish I've been concentrating on.
October - I was invited to work at Play Expo, so my work at previous conventions was actually valued. Before working, I was even given free tickets! I feel like I've made my place in the UK con community in a way.
November - I got to go to my first ever K-pop concert. My friends organized a fantastic surprise for me, by showing up when they said they couldn't afford it. They really are the best people I could ask for in my life.
December - I got placed at International Christian University for my year abroad - I'm going to Tokyo! I feel like my work for the last year and a bit has paid off.
TL;DR: I gained a lot of confidence and managed to achieve a fair few things I didn't think possible.But still, I can't think of my 今年の漢字.
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